- After damning politicians up hill and down dale for many years
- 2024-12-26 关注:0
- Youth
- Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees
- 2024-12-26 关注:0
- 改变你生活的三样事物
- Today our lives are changing faster than at any time in history. Here we report on three important
- 2024-12-26 关注:0
- 月饼的传说
- In the 14th century (AD 1280-1368) in the Yuan Dynasty of Genghis Khan
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- The Sick Lion
- A lion, no longer able, from the weakness of old age, to hunt for his prey
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- Follow Your Dream
- The teacher said, `This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you.
- 2024-12-25 关注:0
- 生命的反射
- A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
- 2024-12-25 关注:1
- 我的挚友阿诺德
- I recently lost my best friend Arnold in an automobile accident while moving my family to our new home in Arizona.
- 2024-12-25 关注:2
- My Wood
- 当你占有什么东西的时候,不自觉的你就觉得自己应该为自己的占有对象做点什么,于是占有的烦恼接踵而至,sigh...
- 2024-12-24 关注:1
- 雨雪时候的心情
- 寒暑表降到冰点下十八度的时候,我们也是在廊下睡觉。每夜最熟识的就是天上的星辰了。
- 2024-12-24 关注:0
- 母亲的心情记录
- I had just returned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service
- 2024-12-24 关注:0
- 母爱的真谛
- Time is running out for my friend. While we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of st
- 2024-12-24 关注:0
- 美丽人生
- There were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. She was one to be listened to
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- 母亲永远成不了父亲
- If parents had job descriptions mine would read: organize bills
- 2024-12-22 关注:1
- 西班牙-一个古老的国家
- Spain is one of the ancient countries in Europe and together with her close neighbour Portugal
- 2024-12-22 关注:3
- Shanghai Noon
- chinese imperial guard chon wang (jackie chan) comes to america and shakesup the gunslingers of the wild
- 2024-12-22 关注:4
- Digging 挖掘
- Between my finger and my thumb
- 2024-12-20 关注:6
- March Calf
- Right from the start he is dressed in his best - his blacks and his whites
- 2024-12-18 关注:2
- Home on the Way
- People need homes: children assume their parents’ place as home; boarders call school ‘home’ on weekdays
- 2024-12-18 关注:2
- Mountain Lion
- Climbing through the January snow, into the Lobo canyon
- 2024-12-18 关注:5
- The Garden
- How vainly men themselves amaze
- 2024-12-17 关注:3
- Heaven
- Fish (fly-replete, in depth of June
- 2024-12-17 关注:1
- It is my brithday
- Two weeks ago was my 45th birthday, but I wasn'tfeeling too hot that morning anyway.
- 2024-12-15 关注:3
- Companionship of Books
- A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps
- 2024-12-15 关注:3
- 我的生活提炼与体会
-  Only one is self-confident,optimistic,open-minded and generous will he overcome the difficulties and always keep the
- 2024-12-15 关注:1
- What a bundle of contradictions is a man! Surely, humour is the saving grace of us
- 2024-12-15 关注:6
- Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks
- 2024-12-14 关注:3
- 美丽人生beauty
- There were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks.
- 2024-12-14 关注:5
- The Joy of Living
- Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open
- 2024-12-14 关注:6
- The Zebras
- From the dark woods that breathe of fallen showers
- 2024-12-14 关注:5
- 两幅母亲肖像前
- Before Two Portraits of My Mother
- 2024-12-13 关注:4
- 人生在于完整
- once a circle missed a wedge. the circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece
- 2024-12-13 关注:5
- 机遇只垂青那些有准备的人
- Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown
- 2024-12-13 关注:7
- 匆匆 Rush
- 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。
- 2024-12-13 关注:7
- Brother of Jesus
- In October 2002, the Biblical Archaeology Society announced a discovery which could provide historical evidence for the exist
- 2024-12-13 关注:10
- Of Studies
- Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight
- 2024-12-09 关注:3
- Snacks
- Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not
- 2024-12-09 关注:2
- 吾之三愿
- Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love
- 2024-12-09 关注:4
- 幸福之道
- It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it.
- 2024-12-03 关注:8
- 倔强秋雨
- 一个人在单位加夜班。整幢大楼都亮着灯,我所在的这一层就我自己。蓦然间袭来一丝倦意和孤独。
- 2024-12-03 关注:3
- growing up is a sadness
- growing up is like what butterflies get from struggelling out of its cocoons
- 2024-12-03 关注:2
- 珍惜眼泪
- Their tears will flow out very sweet sad Their tears will flow out bitter The prize
- 2024-12-03 关注:12
- 乡村疼爱的秋庄稼
- 乡村离不了庄稼的支撑。庄稼逃不脱乡村的呵护——主仆俩个相扶相携,相依为命,相互牵挂,相互疼爱,谁也离不开谁的照料。
- 2024-12-02 关注:5
- Human Life a Poem
- I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads like a poem
- 2024-12-02 关注:6
- 我现在就付诸行动
- Henceforth, I will remember the lesson of the firefly who gives of its light only when it is on the wing
- 2024-12-02 关注:3
- 朋友,请进
- 现在农村的新房像雨后春笋般拔地而起,而它经过了10多年的岁月依旧风里来雨里去。
- 2024-12-02 关注:8
- 风帆劲起勇跨越 蓄势待发正当时
- 无论岁月蹉跎、沧海桑田,80万水乡儿女紧紧围绕“加快转型升级、跨域发展”的时代主旋律,始终以包容开放的胸襟、百折不饶的韧劲,积极
- 2024-11-28 关注:9
- 生命中的11中感动
- It hurts to love someone and not be loved to return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage
- 2024-11-28 关注:3
- Memory
- stranded in the music space
- 2024-11-28 关注:8
- 你永驻我心
- Yesterday , you appearred in the eyes of me
- 2024-11-28 关注:3
- 圣诞节祝福语 中英文双语
- 这就是我们每个人的故事。这颗树Because has the love, the life turns happiness. Because has you, this Christmas changes joyfull
- 2024-11-28 关注:13
- Churning Day
- A thick crust, coarse-grained as limestone rough-cast,
- 2024-11-28 关注:6
- 呼唤自由的鹦鹉
- A man, a great man, a fighter for freedom was traveling in the mountains.
- 2024-11-28 关注:4
- about happiness
- I used to be very selfish only in order to get what I want ,never thinking of others and my company
- 2024-11-28 关注:5
- 假如我又回到了童年
- If I could catch If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was o
- 2024-11-28 关注:2
- I Want to Know 我想知道你的故事
- It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your
- 2024-11-24 关注:8
- The colour of sky 天空的颜色
- If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer‘s day we shall find that the  blue colour is the most pure and intense
- 2024-11-24 关注:3
- 英文经典爱情语录
- I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you.
- 2024-11-24 关注:4
- butterfly蝶恋
- Flower and butterfly wings are, and this is the pursuit of beauty, it has no pursue happiness is everyone needs!
- 2024-11-24 关注:1