

发布时间:2024-11-15     阅读
It's ,10:50am.

It is so hard to make decision when u find the two chooses both get available to u.

But u still need to make up ur mind, nobody can help u to do this even they want to.

This is not the first decision of my life, but unfortunately it is the hardest one to me.

I gonna to choice whether to stay ina big city to live alone in my way,

or to go to another city for my dreams.( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.org.cn )

I know that ifI go to work, that will be a very painful experience.Because the work will not be as I like.

At this moment,I found that it is how importantto achieveour life values,but I know,this is will be a difficult process,not only money,also I canclearly recognized that the biggest pressure is from my family.

They hope I can find a stable job,but everyone may know that that is our parents dream, not of us,U know , if I obedience their opinion,I am will not live for myself , but for them.

That big city has my dreams,But this is under my control, I can not imagine whether I can get better live or not.

Maybe success, maybe not.Thenegative answer that I really want to see,I am not gonna make my parentsdisappoint.

Dear people, It's not my intention to sound moody and post emotional entries here all the time,

but this is the only place that I can release my frustration and utter things out through words.

Thank you for bearing with me.
作者:今日大学生网    来源:今日大学生网
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