An important person in my life
发布时间:2024-11-15 阅读:
Father is to me what sunshine is to flower, in my nineteen years’ life, thanks to my father, I can express my inner voices today.
Just like most people think, father is strict. In my memory, my father had little smile even he met with some exciting things-----maybe because of his character, or the heavy burden of family. My father left school when he was 14, in those times, the family had no money for him to go to school for further study, so he took the burden of supporting the family at small age.
It had been 34 years since my father left school. He has his two children now, maybe in his heart, he never thought that he would be so busy in this road of life, the time had changed, the society had improved, but he has to meet with much more difficulty and takes much more burden. He has to go out early but return late just for supporting his family, just for that his children can receive further education.
Having been many years, he always expects that his children can go to university, fortunately, I didn’t let him down, I was admitted by this key university. I still remember that day when I got the enrollment notification of the college, I knew he was satisfied, but he was worrying about the college fees. Finally, in order to afford my college fees, he became a migrant worker. I know he is toilsome, after all, he has nearly 50 years old, many years’ hardships, he has been no longer strong as he was young. Without his hardships, without my university life, I know he dare not stop working hard, I know he has contributed his whole life and all his hope to me.
Sometimes, I feel perplexed, I don’t know how to continue my college life, I want to share some difficulty of his, but I have no any ideas. I think that I just have one way to console him, I must study harder, just studying harder, his pains will be worthy!
Thank my father, thanks for his love; thank my father, thank the most important person in my life; thank my father, thank the man who cares for me most in this world!( 文章阅读网 )
September. 21th,
作者:今日大学生网 来源:今日大学生网
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