

发布时间:2025-02-11     阅读
1月19日,龙岩学院外国语学院 “绿映文明筑梦行”社会实践队前往龙岩漳平东山公园开展以“共建生态文明,共享绿色未来” 为主题的寒假社会实践活动。
On January 19th, the "Green Reflection, Civilization Dream Building Tour" social practice team from the School of Foreign Languages, Longyan University, visited Dongshan Park in Zhangping, Longyan, to conduct a winter social practice activity themed "Building Ecological Civilization and Sharing a Green Future".
At Zhangping Dongshan Park, the members of the practice team conveyed the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature to the public by cleaning the public areas of the park, contributing to the cleanliness and tidiness of the park, promoting the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver", and emphasizing the importance of protecting the natural environment. In addition, the practice team also learned about various plant species and their corresponding classifications and genera in the park, gradually deepening their understanding of the park and practicing environmental protection concepts. Through their closeness to nature, they gradually gained insights into environmental protection. After the event, the members of the practice team took photos of the green mountains in Dongshan Park as a souvenir, and promptly described their gains and experiences related to environmental protection. They deliberated on ways to incorporate green concepts into daily life, enhance the protection of the ecological environment, and foster collaboration among everyone to build ecological civilization, thereby achieving harmonious development between humans and nature.
“绿水青山就是金山银山”,建设生态文明,关系人民福祉,关乎民族未来。本次实践中,实践队成员在实践中学习领悟保护生态环境的重要性,感悟生态文明建设中的艰辛与坚持,同时融合外语专业特色,并进行英文翻译,为宣传习近平生态文明思想贡献青春力量。并融入自己的学习和工作中,在生活中体悟文明理念的重要性, 为推动我国生态文明建设贡献自己的力量。
"Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." Building ecological civilization is related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. During this practice, the members of the team learned and understood the importance of protecting the ecological environment firsthand, sensing the hardships and perseverance involved in ecological civilization construction. Meanwhile, they leveraged their expertise in foreign languages and provided English translations, contributing their youthful energy to promoting Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization. By incorporating this experience into their studies and work, they came to appreciate the significance of civilized values in daily life and committed themselves to advancing China's ecological civilization development.
Ecological civilization is a journey we all take together. The practice team will uphold the development concept of "jointly building ecological civilization and sharing a green future," actively engaging in practical exploration of ecological civilization construction. Starting from daily life, they will actively promote the green development concept and take concrete actions to embrace a greener and more vigorous future.
通讯员:廖心宇 陈玲 张小春  
作者:王芊瑶    来源:龙岩学院外国语学院
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